Craft Brewery
Amcea worked with a craft brewery to develop an innovative, engaging, and entertaining customer experience that drastically boosted the brewery's customer loyalty.

Working with our client, we redesigned their brewery activities to be more engaging and entertaining. While the concept we implemented was unique and atypical, thorough customer research validated the concept. With a risk mitigation plan in place, we helped our client implement the concept which increased their revenues by 43% within 6 months.
43% Revenue Growth

While implementing our new concept, we found operational processes that could be improved. We also helped our client develop new promotional and pricing strategies to promote the brewery. With the improvements, new strategies, and risk mitigation plan we were able to reduce their expenses by 180k.
$180k in Cost Savings

With the new concept, the brewery's daily visitation rate increased by 38% within 6 months and continued to maintain steady growth after. The new concept not only attracted a new customer market, but also increased customer loyalty rates.
38% Brewery Visitation Growth

While current products in the brewery performed relatively well, the brewery was considering launching a new line in anticipation for the relaunch with the new concept. We helped our client determine the flavor profile of the new line. Post launch, the new line exceeded its sales expectations by 30%.
Exceeded Sales Goals by 30%